Media group Prima and TV group Pohoda want to continue to ensure the distribution of their programmes via DVB-T2 terrestrial broadcasting.
Prima has teamed up for full terrestrial broadcasting with Czech Radiocommunications (CRA), with whom it distributes its complete portfolio of programmes. Unlike rival Nova, it has not yet distributed any of its channels as pay-TV. Prima Zoom distributes its signal in DVB-T2 multiplex 22, where two of its upcoming projects - Prima Case, focusing on crime cases for a younger audience, and a second, as yet unnamed, station - will head in the next few months. Licences have already been applied for.
The Pohoda TV group, which was built up in the past by the late media entrepreneur and rocker Radim Pařízek, has applied to the Radio and Television Broadcasting Council to extend the terrestrial licence for the Rebel music station. While Rebel's existing licence authorising it to distribute its signal via full-screen DVB-T2 broadcasting expires on 10 January 2025, in the case of Prima Zoom it will expire on 26 November this year. Prima Zoom has also applied for a new licence for satellite broadcasting.