Source: The Global TV Group deck


30. 4. 202130. 4. 2021
Global TV Group arms advertisers with latest TV effectiveness evidence from around the world. Research collection demonstrates how TV works in every market, for all customer objectives.

The Global TV Group, the informal grouping of TV companies and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America, whose common goal is to promote television, has released the first of three topical updates of its Global TV Deck planned for 2021.

The compendium gathers research summaries from various countries and covers critical studies as “The Halo Effect: TV As A Growth Engine” (VAB/Effectv), “Not all reach is equal” (Screenforce DACH/Karen Nelson-Field), “TV Drives Advertising Effectiveness that Lasts” (Accenture/thinktv Canada), “Profitability: The Business Case for Advertising” (Thinkbox/Ebiquity/Gain Theory) - and more.

In this collection, they will find, for example, research showing that:

  • Within the first fortnight of a campaign, TV delivers on average 23% of media-driven sales. (“Demand Generation” – UK)

  • TV is fundamental to Search, a strong driver of short-term sales demand (“Payback study” – AU)

  • Campaigns with a 70% to 90% coverage deliver the best possible impact in terms of contribution to sales and penetration. (“How Does TV’s Reach Impact Sales?” – ES)

  • Younger brands (three years or less) see the most significant impact of TV as they are establishing their story and identity in the market (“Halo Effect” – US)

This brand-new research collection is indispensable for marketers seeking to make the most informed decisions regarding their ad investments – illustrating how TV drives business outcomes and provides them with the best leverage for their marketing activities.

The Global TV Deck update can be freely downloaded on the Global TV Group website.

Sean Cunningham, President of The Global TV Group and CEO & President of the VAB:
“Advertisers choose TV for the most important role in their marketing plans, that of ‘lead outcomes-driver’. To best achieve the full range of business results - from quickly activating customer traffic at scale to securing brand loyalty beyond reason, whatever is most mission-critical to sales goals and brand goals should be trusted to TV.”


The Global TV Group is an informal grouping of broadcasters’ and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America, whose joint objective is to promote television.

Alain Beerens – Marketing & Communication Manager, egta

Phone: +32 2 290 31 38 - E-mail:
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