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25. 2. 202125. 2. 2021
Hungarians spend most of their time before the TV screen out of all viewers in Central Europe, the highest increase in the rating was seen in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Last year, TV rating achieved record values not only in the Czech Republic but also in the Central European region. The primary reason was the global Covid-19 pandemic and related government restrictions preventing the spread of the disease, which resulted in people spending more time at home. An increased rating was observed across all age groups of viewers, including the youngest ones aged   4-14.

From the neighbouring states, TV rating has grown most in Slovakia, 8% year on year. “The same year-on-year growth was reported in the Czech Republic but while the Slovak viewers increased the time spent in front of their TV screens to 4 hours and 17 minutes daily, the Czechs spent watching their favourite shows 3 hours and 41 minutes on average,” described Pavel Müller, Head of Research & Marketing in Atmedia.

Hungarians are the greatest TV fans in Central Europe. In 2019, which was not affected by the global pandemic, they spent watching TV 4 hours and 39 minutes on average, last year it was nearly 5 hours. On the contrary, the lowest growth in TV rating in Central Europe was reported in Poland with a 2% growth year on year. Nevertheless, people in Poland spent more time watching TV than their Czech neighbours with 4 hours and 23 minutes per day on average.
TV sledovanost v zemích střední Evropy v roce 2020, zdroj: ATO – Nielsen Admosphere, Nielsen Közönségmérés, Nielsen Audience Measurement, Kantar
Czech Republic; Slovakia; Poland; Hungary
Average time spent watching TV daily (hh:mm), All viewers

TV rating in Central European countries in 2020, source: ATO – Nielsen Admosphere, Nielsen Közönségmérés, Nielsen Audience Measurement, Kantar

TV rating increased both in the Czech Republic and the surrounding states across all viewer age groups last year. While in Poland the increase was the highest in the group of the oldest viewers aged 55+, in the Czech Republic the rating was growing the most among middle-aged viewers. TV rating of children aged 4-14 has also grown - in the Czech Republic by 6%. Slovakia reported an even higher increase of 12% and children watched TV on average 2 hours and 50 minutes per day. Approximately the same time was spent in front of TV screens by children in Hungary.

In addition to news programmes, to which much more time was dedicated by TV viewers last year to receive new information on the global pandemic and adopted government measures, thematic TV stations focusing on certain films, series or documentaries have become more popular. For example, rating of paid film and series channels such as AMC, AXN, CS Film, FilmBox, Film+ or JOJ Cinema have increased by 42% year on year. Similar development was experienced by documentary stations, such as CS History, CS Mystery, National Geographic or Spektrum.

Source: mediaguru.cz
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