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7. 2. 20217. 2. 2021
The average daily time spent watching TV increased to nearly four hours last year; time-shifted viewing doubled year on year.

In 2020, viewers spent record time watching TV in the 24-year history of people-meter measuring. In the 15+ group, TV was watched nearly four hours a day (3 hours and 59 minutes). From January to December, the average time spent watching TV increased by 43 minutes (to 4 hours and 47 minutes), which corresponds to the average length of the main news programme. The higher viewing trend was confirmed by this January when the average time spent watching TV was 4 hours and 45 minutes. Time-shifted viewing for the last twelve months has doubled. These results are disclosed by ATO, which orders TV measuring in the Czech market.

“The year-end has been traditionally related to a more varied choice of TV programmes and Christmas premieres. We can say that in many families, watching fairy tales and films together belongs to Christmas rituals. Nevertheless, last December saw a surprisingly high ATS of 4 hours and 47 minutes in the 15+ age group. ATS has increased year on year by nearly half an hour,” said Hana Havlíčková, ATO analyst.

Viewers were watching programmes throughout the day. In the prime time from 7 to 11 pm, people were watching TV daily for 1 hour and 51 minutes; from January to December 2020, ATS grew by 14 minutes.

Time-shifted viewing, i.e. watching programmes at times chosen by viewers according to their mood and free time, has also become popular. Time shifted viewing has doubled, representing more than 34 minutes (34:25 minutes) this January. “The growth in time-shifted viewing has been a trend in the recent period. The increase has certainly been affected by the greater amount of time spent at home due to the pandemic; however, we believe that viewers will make a habit that is going to be beneficial for TV in its future competition with the Internet,” says Vlasta Roškotová, executive director of ATO.

Regular TV data is delivered to the market by the Project of Cross-Platform Electronic Measurement organised by the Association of TV Organisations (ATO) in cooperation with Nielsen Admosphere.

Source: mediaguru.cz
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